My love for my land of faith beckons me
My love for my land of faith beckons me:
Let me go away, calling out my Friend.
Whoever arrives there lives happily,
Let me also stay, calling out my Friend.
Let me muse in the cells of the recluse,
Let me bloom eternally like the rose
Or be a nightingale in the Friend’s mews
Let me sing and pray, calling out my Friend.
Let them get hold of a few yards of cloth
And make a shroud to cover my shoulders,
Let me cast off the garments of this world
For a new array, calling out my Friend.
Let me walk with the craze that Mecnun felt
And climb the mighty mountains where he dwelt,
Let me turn into a candle and melt,
Let me burn like hay, calling out my Friend.
Let the days be gone and the years go past,
Let my grave fall on me with a swift thrust,
Let my flesh decay and turn into dust,
Let me go my way, calling out my Friend.
Yunus Emre, take the Path to the end;
Those who deny Allah languish in their land.
Let me become the wild duck of love and
Plunge into Allah’s sea, calling out my Friend.