You never thought this day would come
You never thought this day would come–
Now your eyes have lost all their light;
Your image will turn to dust soon,
Your tongue shall have no words to cite.
Once the Angel of Death descends,
All help your parents can give ends;
The combined power of your friends
Cannot withstand that Angel’s might.
To the Wise Man your son will go.
Word will be sent to friend and foe;
Last-ditch repentance or sorrow
Could not even help you a mite.
There will be a man to bathe you,
While one pours water to lave you,
And then the shroud man to swathe you–
But none will care about your plight.
On a wooden horse you will sit:
It will carry you to your pit–
Down into the ground your casket
Will go, and you’ll drop out of sight.
For three days they will sit it out–
To settle your affairs, no doubt;
You will be all they talk about.
After that, their lips will stay tight.
You’re better off, mystic Yunus,
To give advice to yourself thus:
Creatures of today make no use
Of good advice, don’t think they might.